Downey Sexual Assault Lawyer
Charged With Sexual Assault? Your Freedom is at Risk.
Charges of sexual assault or sexual battery can change your life. A conviction can result in jail time, expensive fines, court-ordered treatments, and mandatory registration as a sex offender. To banish the stigma that comes with being accused of a sex crime, get help from our Downey criminal defense attorney as early as possible after your arrest.
Sexual assault crimes are prosecuted aggressively, and often are related to accusations of unwanted touching of intimate body parts directly or through clothing. Sexual battery involves the act of restraining an individual either alone, or with assistance. Rape is far more serious, especially if a minor is involved. Consent isn't a good defense in this instance, as a minor is not considered to be capable of giving consent under state law.
Accused of Committing Rape or Sexual Battery?
Rape charges are often the result of one person's testimony, which may or may not be accurate. It cannot be possible that every alleged victim is truthful. Rape is considered to be a crime of violence and carries penalties ranging from formal probation to 13 years in state prison. A conviction for rape or for sexual battery will greatly affect your future ability to get quality employment, and sex offender registration can lead to huge problems with neighbors who don't want you to reside in their neighborhood. Attorney James Mendez has been on both sides of these issues as a former L.A. County District Attorney. Let him put his years of experience to work defending you against charges of rape or sexual assault.
There are several defenses to charges of sexual assault, rape and sexual battery. The issue of consent is crucial to disproving assault or rape. Are there false accusations concerning the consent issue? Is there an ongoing custody or divorce dispute giving rise to vindictive charges to provide leverage to one party of the court proceedings? Unfortunately, accusations of rape and sexual assault are often used by a bitter former partner to punish and intimidate. A conviction is a very serious matter, and one cannot assume that innocence is enough to win in court. You need a qualified criminal lawyer that knows how to fight back and has uncommon trial skills. As sexual assault can mean a 'strike' on your record, the situation is very serious, legally. Don't take chances with your freedom. Get an attorney on your side that has a record of success.
Contact us today for an initial appointment to review your case. We have helped numerous clients in serious legal trouble to successfully defend against sex crime charges.